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October 01, 2017 Recent Releases . Download Autodesk Technical Review Acrobat Pro 13 Service Pack 2. Microsoft: A New Direction for Microsoft Word Mac and Windows. Autodesk has announced the new version of AutoCAD along with Acrobat. To download a .Raleigh. (April 3, 2011) — Hurricane looks like itâs on the way out soon for the Triangle area.
The projected track of Hurricane Earl has shifted a lot over the past 24 hours. Earlier this morning the storm was moving towards the northeast, but now it seems it might be moving north. Right now itâs in the Southeast area of the Gulf of Mexico.
The current projected track suggests that Earl will be at-least a Category 4 storm, and itâs possible that Earl could intensify to a Category 5 storm, which is the most intense hurricanes in the world.
The National Hurricane Center says that the storm has been weakening and has already been downgraded to a Category 2 storm. This morning it was a Category 3 storm.
âWeâre not too far off from the predicted track right now,â Joe Giambrone, Operations Supervisor with the National Weather Service Center in Wilmington said, âand the latest forecasts continue to suggest that Earl will have a very slow movement, around 20-30 miles per hour, and put us into the âeye wall.ââ
The eye wall occurs when the eye of the hurricane pulls moisture around itself, and the entire hurricane becomes much more organized.
âHopefully we will not see anything major here in North Carolina,â Giambrone said, âand weâll just have the wind and rain. We are supposed to see very strong winds, sustained winds of 80 miles an hour for the next day or two, and total rain amounts of two to six inches.â
While we donât see any sea or tropical storm or hurricane warnings here in the Triangle yet, some weather experts are already predicting a lot of wind, rain, and bad weather days ahead.
âWeâre already seeing some light showers on
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